@AndrewBird en México

El multi instrumentalista estadounidense se une a la lista de banda y músicos que nos visitarán en el primer trimestre del 2011. A través de su Myspace y sitio oficial Andrew Bird anunció que se presentará el 17 de marzo en el Teatro de la Ciudad del DF. Los boletos se venderán a través de Ticketmaster y costarán $380.00. Acompañando a Bird estará Zoë Keating, una chelista que ha trabajado con varias bandas como Rasputina y Amanda Palmer.

El concierto formará parte del Festival de México 2011 y será la primera presentación de Bird en México desde el Festival Colmena.

Via: @EverythingLive

Passion Pit - Sleepyhead (Le Chev Remix)

Written by Claire Lobenfeld

Samples of "Genius Of Love" by Tom Tom Club (Chris Frantz and Tina Weymouth of Talking Heads are two notable members of that outfit) have long made their way into pop and hip-hop track, from Mariah Carey's "Fantasy" to tracks by Public Enemy and Cam'ron*. When we first got our hands on Le Chev's rework of Passion Pit's longtime RCRD LBL jam "Sleepyhead", we knew that he had gotten some real magic into it. Without directly sampling "Genius Of Love", he's interwoven the same '80s dance club/R&B vibe, reminiscent of what we love about Tom Tom Club, but still totally his own. We've seen his adept refitting before on his version of Frankie Rose And The Outs' "Candy", so we're pretty psyched that he'll be coming out with his solo joint in early 2011 as Avan Lava.

(*That Cam song is called "Me, My Moms & Jimmy" and, yes, it does feature Mama Cam swapping verses with her son and Jim Jones.)

via: http://rcrdlbl.com

Gorillaz cover The XX

Gorillaz visited BBC Radio 1’s Live Lounge to do acoustic versions of “On Melancholy Hill,” and “Doncamatic,” and a cover of The xx’s “Crystalised.” “Doncamatic” guest vocalist Daley was also in the studio, and he backs up Damon Albarn for their quiet, sparkling version of “Crystalised.” (Note that Daley has to wear his studio headphones upside down to protect his haircut.) Albarn also talked to host Jo Whiley about some of his least favorite things (the music industry, X Factor, and Simon Cowell). Watch the live in-the-studio performances below:

(via 24Bit)

Nick Bertke ( Pogo ) vs Disney!

Nick Bertke (aka Pogo) has just released another masterpiece onto Youtube. This time around it’s the vocal samples, musical chords, and sound effects from Snow White that get sliced and diced. AMAZING.

Download the mp3 here.

lice in Wonderland gets the chop-shop treatment and the result is a beautiful little downtempo track called “Alice”.

You can download the mp3 of Alice, as well as two other tracks also sampling Alice in Wonderland, here.

Supakitch & Koralie


Wall painting by Supakitch and Koralie
With the support of POSCA
www.supakitch.com & www.koralie.net

Video by elroy : www.elroy.fr
Music by DLid (quatre rec. / Leonizer) : www.myspace.com/dicklaurentisdead
http://metroplastique.com - Collection Grand Cru available on October 1s
SUPAKITCH, KORALIE, ELROY & DLiD are represented by OneLouder. agency


Re:WORDS from Everynone on Vimeo.

Made by Everynone | http://www.everynone.com |

We decided to reword our film "WORDS" -

This was made completely of clips found on YouTube

(view original film here: http://vimeo.com/13768695)

Original Score by Keith Kenniff (http://www.unseen-music.com)

Reporter´s - Time Incredible ( 2010 )

Reporter´s - Time Incredible (2010)
Release: August 10, 2010 | Label: Holocene Music | 9 Tracks | MP3 | VBR | 75 MB
Genre: Electro, Experimental, Indie


1. Geronimos Bones
2. Total Fascination
3. Click Shaw
4. One Night
5. The Moon
6. Lab Test
7. Silent Running
8. Time Incredible
9. Love Sounds


Photo Shoot Passion Pit México Tour 2010 ( by: Sizu! )

El sábado 28 de Agosto fue el segundo día del fin que inauguró la temporada de conciertos otoño 2010 en la ciudad. Sí eres atento a las actividades capitalinas sabes que se presentó Passion Pit. Esta agrupación de Cambridge, Massachusetts llamó la atención del oído de la crítica musical cuando en el 2008 su canción “Sleepyhead” formó parte de uno de los playlists mensuales de Urban Outfitters. Sin embargo, no fue hasta dos años después que su música comenzó a cobrar fama en los círculos defeños.

Desde que vinieron los Friendly Fires al Pasaje América, casi cada mes viene un buen acto de indie-pop bailable a la ciudad, usualmente como parte de una fiesta. En eso Passion Pit fue la excepción, ellos vinieron al Salon 21 a dar un concierto. A pesar de ésto, el ambiente del lugar continuaba siendo festivo. El foro estaba lleno hasta más no poder con colas eternas para ir al baño y una tormenta de gente alrededor de la barra, sin mencionar a todos aquellos parados frente al escenario (mucho más que un día antes en Devendra Banhart). El ambiente era más de antro que de concierto, con gente apunto de caerse de la zona VIP.

Passion Pit logró prender a todos los presentes con la exitosa “Little Secrets”. El público cantaba como si hubiera pasado toda la semana escuchando “Manners”, el único disco de la banda y ellos tocaban con la calidad de sonido que uno espera cuando escucha un disco. La buena calidad de sonido se debió no al lugar sino a la presencia de Mark, un talentoso ingeniero de audio que acompañó a Beirut en su presentación del Lunario el año pasado.

La gente bailaba y sudaba como si hubiera consumido metilendioximetanfetamina mientras los músicos tocaban su repertorio entero, todo el “Manners” y unas canciones de su EP “Chunk of Change”. ¿Quién soy yo para juzgar si los que estaban ahí llevaban una semana, par de horas o un par de años siendo fans? ¿Y qué importa? Todos podemos bailar al ritmo de un cover de los Cranberries. La presentación de Passion Pit en el Distrito Federal no fue un concierto ni una fiesta pero me queda claro que todos se la pasaron bien. Como ya es costumbre en todo show convencional, los artistas salieron del escenario unos segundos en lo que la gente gritaba “¡Sleepyhead! ¡Sleepyhead!”, aunqué sonaba como si gritaran “CPK” (California Pizza Kitchen). Sin embargo, el conjunto entendió y salió a tocar el éxito que los hizo famosos en toda pista de baile hipster, o, en nuestro caso, un antro fresa. ¿O son lo mismo? Como buen sábado, la gente de ahí huyó a “un after en la Roma Wey” o decían “¡Jala al Leonor!” Que bueno que artistas como Passion Pit, que normalmente llenarían el segundo piso de un restaurante en Brooklyn, puedan venir a México y sentirse como Queen en sus primeros años.

Guillermo Martínez de Velasco
( www.distritoglobal.com )


Con su "Rock Fresco y Wonky Pop". Michael Angelakos y su banda de graduados de "Berklee" vienen por primera vez a MÉXICO. En sólo dos años, Passion Pit dejo de ser "un proyecto" a ser una banda "de Sold Out". Siendo Passion Pit de los favoritos en los mejores festivales internacionales tales como el Big Day Out (australia), Glastonbury Festival (UK), asi como en el Bonnaroo, ACL, Lollapalooza y Coachella en Estados Unidos. Tan populares se han vuelto sus canciones que no solo han alcanzado a estar en los primeros lugares de "Billboard", sino que las han incluido en series como "Gossip Girl", "Big Love", "Skins", en películas, spots de radio, tv y hasta en el "FIFA2010".

GDL-Agosto 25 (cavaret) boletos en ticketmaster
TEL. 30555122

MTY-Agosto 26 (escenica) boletos en superboletos
...TEL. 15154100

MEX-Agosto 28 (salon cuervo) boletos en ticketmaster

Evento Facebook

Dewey dB – I Can has LOUDER? (Mix Download)

Been a long time since I released a new mix, mostly because i’ve been holdin out till I had a bunch of originals i could share. I wish there was more originals in here, but I’ve been working a really time consuming job and i have many other projects that all take up a lot of my time, so this is the best i could do. Hopefully my next mix will have more originals, but none the less, i hope you enjoy it.

Download The Mix

01. Opiuo – The Freaky Bean
02. Vent – Bear Crunk
03. Pretty Lights – Finally Moving Remix
04. Mochipet – Memories
05. Gouseion – Venomous Always
06. Opiuo – Slip
07. Dewey dB – Savage Cabbage
08. Opiuo – Monkey Crunk
09. Tokimonsta – Startagain feat. Shing
10. Vibesquad – Shnapp
11. EPROM- 64 Bytes (Boreta Remix)
12. Vibesquad – This Earth
13. Depth affect – Street Level
14. Low Limit – Inspirational Jumpsuit
15. Graintable – Lost Frost
16. Ill Gates & Meesha – Irma Vep feat. Masia One
17. Gonja Sufi – Candycanelane
18. Lorn – The Greatest Silence
19. ill-esha & Dewey dB – H.A.A.R.P.
20. Ph Fat – Big Five (Liver remix)
21. Dewey dB – The Adventures of Albert The Giraffe
22. Pretty Lights – More Important Than Micheal Jordan
23. Depth affect – Hero Crisis
24. Michna – Avante
25. Panty Raid – Get The Money
26. Nalepa – Sunflowers (Salva Remix)
27. Mochipet – Pachyderm Pounce
28. Gouseion – Afternoon Cassettes
29. Na$ty Na$ty – Seconds
30. Aphex Twin – Window Licker
31. Dewey dB – The Penguin
32. Mimosa – Delivery feat. Souleye
33. Dewey-dB – Natural Flavour
34. Adam Freeland – Do You (Joker Remix)
35. Dewey dB & Bevvy Swift – Music Bawks (dewey’s anti-wobble refix)
36. Akira Kiteshi – Pinball
37. Eskmo – Agnus Dei
38. The Streets – Blinded By The Lights (Nero Remix)

The Best Miramax Films

Today, the indie world and the film world at large lost a giant in the field, watching Disney close the doors and turn the lights off on Miramax. As sad a day like today is, and as uncertain as the future is, we can still hold on to the memories. Most of them are now on Blu-ray. Or at least Laser Disc (because we all own one).

Without further tears in our eyes, we’d like to remember Miramax for their 15 Best Films.

If you’re like me and Rob Hunter, your rental queue is already full.

15. Kids (1995)

The Pitch: Even if Rob Hunter doesn’t think Larry Clark’s harsh film about drug and sexual abandon amongst the youth in NYC is well acted, he’s wrong, and the movie is brilliant and challenging. The response was expectedly mixed with some critics and fans seeing it as a strong artistic endeavor and others calling it borderline child pornography. Shockingly, Disney’s name was left off of the financing. -CA

14. The Reflecting Skin (1990)

The Pitch: You probably haven’t seen this odd and creepy little flick, but if you have consider yourself one of the lucky few. It’s a dark and original coming-of-age tale set in 1950′s America and filled with beautiful cinematography, child murderers, a suspected vampire, and Viggo Mortensen. And the rights holders have never released it on US or UK DVD. Bastards. -RH

13. The Crying Game (1992)

The Pitch: This film is mostly known for its twist, which is a shame, because the entire film is a thing of beauty. With knock out performances by Stephen Rea and Forrest Whitaker, it hit the Oscars hard with six nominations (including Best Picture). More than just a pop cultural reference, the entire film should be watched for its intensity and its racial and gender commentary. -CA

12. Exotica (1994)

The Pitch: This is the movie that put director Atom Egoyan on the map. (Sadly, it was just a map of Canada). This intoxicating and slow-paced movie manages to be both mysterious and sexy in equal measures, and even though Cole Abaius scoffs at Egoyan’s cinematic oeuvre this is still independent filmmaking at its best (even if it is Canadian). -RH

11. Beautiful Girls (1996)

The Pitch: It’d be easy to say this movie’s relevance comes from my appreciation for Natalie Portman’s fresh but Lolita-esque turn as the cute neighbor girl. But even if you don’t enjoy the indiscretions of youth (or intentionally misusing known phrases to avoid sounding like a pervert) the movie also packs solid laughs, a strong ensemble cast, and the 748th film use of the song “Beth” by a repentant boyfriend. -RH

10. sex,lies and videotape (1989)

The Pitch: Some of us can still remember when Steven Soderbergh was good at barely scripting his films and using minimalist camera work. This fantastic flick won the Palme d’Or back in 1989, and launched Soderbergh’s career in earnest. If you were looking for the film that really started the indie movement’s commercial success – look no further than a film about James Spader’s sexual dysfunction. -CA

9. My Left Foot (1989)

The Pitch: Only a few years ago, modern audiences were sort of re-introduced to the genius of Daniel Day-Lewis. If you’re looking for a way to delve deeper – check out his first Academy Award win in this stirring story of a young man who can only control his left foot. Here’s where I make a comment about Day-Lewis having more acting talent in his left foot than in most actor’s entire bodies. But I’ll refrain. -CA

8. Flirting With Disaster (1996)

The Pitch: Ben Stiller leads a fantastic cast in a comedy about identity and the concept of nature vs nurture. Director David O. Russell would go on to burn professional bridges with actors and studios alike while filming Three Kings and I Heart Huckabees, but for this one film he managed to keep his temper in check and the result is some stellar ensemble comedy. -RH

7. Pulp Fiction (1994)

The Pitch: Not only did it launch Quentin Tarantino even further into the cultural stage, it also relaunched John Travolta’s career. It also made a bunch of violent film fans finally memorize part of the bible. Oddly enough, Harvey Weinstein wanted Daniel Day-Lewis (who you’ll remember from the last entry) to play Vincent Vega instead of Travolta. Then again, stranger things have happened – Sid Haig was originally offered the role of Marcellus Wallace. -CA

6. Bob Roberts (1992)

The Pitch: Who knew Tim Robbins could be so politically aware? The freakishly tall actor wrote and directed this satirical faux documentary about an election, and he shines a smart and funny eye on shenanigans from both sides of the aisle. As true today as it was almost twenty years ago. -RH

5. Chasing Amy (1997)

The Pitch: Say what you will about Clerks, and Kevin Smith has said a lot to us, but Chasing Amy is really his best film to date. It’s personal and sweet underneath all that talk about fisting. A few Indie Spirit Awards, a career launch for Ben Affleck, and a 4800% return on the budget later, and you have a bona fide hit. -CA

4. Heavenly Creatures (1994)

The Pitch: Peter Jackson’s most realistic and grounded film is still one of his best. Two girls in 1950′s New Zealand live in a fantasy world where they plan a real-world murder. It’s made all the more affecting when you realize it’s based on a true story and one of the girls grew up to become Anne Perry, a bestselling writer of mysteries and thrillers. -RH

3. There Will Be Blood (2007)

The Pitch: I don’t have enough space to write all the awards this thing was nominated for or won, but if you have any doubt about the phenomenon, I’ll point you in the direction of your nearest “I Drink Your Milkshake” t-shirt wearer. Beyond becoming a catch-phrase for casual wear, this movie is one of the hardest movies that can actually be re-watched repeatedly. As opposed to, say, Kids. -CA

2. City of God (2002)

The Pitch: This Brazilian gem is a small, gritty, and surprisingly human look at one of the nastiest cities on Earth. Violence and dreams collide as young kids growing up in Rio de Janeiro’s most dangerous slum make choices with profound effects. It’s currently #16 on IMDB’s Top 250 Movie list which is damn impressive stuff for a film with no known stars. -RH

1. Trainspotting (1996)

The Pitch: Topping the list is the film that’s been voted the Best Scottish film of all time as well as in the Top Ten of British films. One of Danny Boyle’s first films, it takes a strange look at a group of heroine addicts. It rocked Cannes in 1996, and was picked up by Miramax for distribution in the states – giving us just a glimpse of Boyle’s talents and the talents of Scottish filmmaking. As brilliant as this film is, I’m with Ewan MacGregor in hoping that a sequel doesn’t get made. -CA

Editor’s Note: This list was lovingly compiled by Rob Hunter and Cole Abaius.

Cinematic Listology By Cole Abaius on January 28, 2010

via: http://www.filmschoolrejects.com